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11.14.2011 Regular Meeting Minutes
`               TOWN OF OLD SAYBROOK
        Harbor Management Commission
                302 Main Street • Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
        Telephone (860) 395-3123 • FAX (860) 395-3125
November 14 , 2011 7:00 P.M.

1.      Call to Order
Chairman Ray Collins called the regularly scheduled meeting of the Old Saybrook Harbor Management Commission to order at 7:17 p.m.

2.      Roll Call
Ray Collins, Chairman
Les Bowman, Secretary
Dick Goduti
Scott Mitchell Dock Master arrived at 7:30 p.m.
Larry Bonin, Director Public Works

Ruth Hockert, Clerk     
1 member of the public

3.      Citizens with Business before the Commission- none

4.      Minutes of previous meetings-  October

Motion – Dick Goduti moved to table the approval of the October Minutes to the next meeting, Les Bowman seconded
3-0-0 motion approved unanimously

5.      Clerk Report
        The Clerk reported:
1.      Receipt of notification by DRS that as of January 2012 all reports will need to be filled electronically, as well as all payments. She asked the Commission to consider setting up a new line item in the Harbor Fund account to track sales tax as it is a pass through item, not an expense.
2.      She noted two additional wait list names to be added in the appropriate place in        the agenda.
3.      Reviewed 3 mooring contracts with the Commission that she had questions on.
4.      She reviewed with the Commission that her records indicate that 6 mooring       holders are not returning, Fuller, Lane, Embee, Clorite, Whitcomb and Morant.
5.      As of this evenings meeting there were 23 outstanding mooring renewals.

6.      North Cove
        North Cove Wait List update – add Don Melanson,  20 foot  power and Daniel
        Casey, 29 foot power

Motion-  Les Bowman moved to add Don Melanson and Daniel Casey to the North Cove Wait List, Ray Collins seconded
3-0-0 motion approved unanimously
        Clothesline Wait List update- add Bill Motlyewski

Motion – Les Bowman moved to add Motylewski to the Clothesline Wait List, Ray Collins seconded
3-0-0 motion approved unanimously

        The discussion on who did not meet the use it or lose it policy at the Clothesline      
        For the season will be added to next month’s agenda.

7.      Ferry Road
Wait List-  follow up Re; Rebecca Waldo – no response to email, no $ 10 check
She will not be put on the wait list

Project update-

Chairman Ray Collins asked if the Commission members had received and reviewed the proposal from GNSB and if they were prepared to vote on the proposal.

Dick Goduti asked why the engineers were not present this evening. Ray Collins reiterated what the engineers had said at the last meeting; the Commission has used up their “free” time and now a commitment to pay the engineers was needed.

Dick Goduti felt that the $ 25,000 was high and was not willing to consider hiring the engineers without further discussion; Dick felt that the new first selectman needs to be involved in the decision. Dick wanted to know how much the Harbor Commission was willing to pay toward the project and how much the Town was willing to pay toward the contract. Dick reiterated that the Commission at their last meeting said they would spend up to the $250,000 on the sheet piling

Ray Collins spoke. Ray said Dick  was correct about spending $ 250,000 on sheet pile,  Ray said in response to Mr. Goduti’s questions about contributing that since there is no estimate on the cost of the project at this time he felt it too early for the Commission or the Town to commit to dollar figures. He would meet with the new First Selectman to discuss the project.

Motion – Ray Collins moved to accept the GNCB proposal, Les Bowman seconded
2-1 -0 Ray Collins and Les Bowman in favor  Dick Goduti  opposed

Larry Bonin reported that tailings were spread down at Ferry Road. This has raised the level of the parking area.

8.      Harbor Master Report – none

9.      Dock Master Report
Scott Mitchell reported that the moorings were hauled. The hauler broke the mooring belonging to Mr. Hosig, Ray Collins will call Dan Rutan and speak with him regarding the issued.

Scott Mitchell also mentioned that the hauler did not place the moorings where appropriate even though the yacht club moorings were all tagged with yellow caution tape. Scott was going to go down and move the yacht club moorings from the town dock to the yacht club and vice versa as necessary.

Dick Goduti would like to propose the idea of hauling the moorings every other year; this will be added to the continuing discussion of the North Cove policies.

10.     Correspondence
COP application 135 Plum Bank Road   Dolores Caruso
COP application 131 Plum Bank Road , Joseph Briendel, applicant
10/17/2011 Notice by Coastline Consulting & Development Re: Harbor One  Marina  notice of publication
COP application Channelside Homeowners Association, DOCKO, Inc. engineer
Dock application 16 Toms Road - Replace wooden jetty

Off the above listed correspondence the only one requiring action is 16 Toms Road.

Motion – Dick Goduti moved to have the Chairman sign the DEEP form stating that this application is consistent with the Harbor Management Plan Les Bowman seconded
3-0-0 motion approved

11.     New Business

12.     Old Business
        North Cove Policies- table until next meeting

13.     Payment of bills
        Dick Goduti stated that he believed the payment of the hauling of the moorings  
        should be paid out of the Harbor Management Fund account instead of the
        general fund account. Ray Collins and Les Bowman concurred.

Motion-  Les Bowman moved to pay the CT Dock and Dredge out of Harbor Management Fund, Dick Goduti seconded
3-0-0 motion approved unanimously

Ruth Hockert – office supply $ 38.41
Ruth Hockert – salary - 306.00
Olsen Sanitation -   $ 166.00
Lighthouse Printing - $ 100
CT Dock Dredge $ 4,000.00
Burke Turf  - $ 1305.00

Motion – Les Bowman moved to pay the submitted invoices, Dick Goduti seconded
3-0-0 motion approved

14      Adjournment     

        Motion – Dick Goduti moved to adjourn at 8:24 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ruth Hockert